HOMELINESS - The industrial interior with sober colours and materials acquires a warm and homely atmosphere through wood accents, plants and soft textures. This homeliness is also reflected in the arrangement of the products. This greatly enhances their vision (Pine & Gilmore, 1998).
MUSIC - In order to emphasize the homely atmosphere even more, Sissy-Boy has created its own playlist with carefully selected songs. Pop music was chosen to emphasize the positive atmosphere (Morin, Dubé, & Chebat, 2007).
FITTING ROOMS - Sissy-Boy has deliberately chosen to place a variant of fitting rooms in the different departments. In this way the consumer can fit in quietly and discover this department later on. For women, on the one hand, we opted for wooden fitting rooms that have a playful look, are large enough and have plenty of space to hang and/or put things somewhere (Ballantine, Jack & Parsons, 2010). On the other hand, we opted for fitting rooms with u-shaped rails where the space is demarcated with a curtain and a carpet to create a rich feeling (Karana, Hekkert, Kandachar, 2008). In the children's ward, wooden houses have been chosen that are children's size, have a playful/child-like look and immediately catch the children's eye.
INSPIRING - Sissy-Boy wants to immerse the consumer in a story, surprise and inspire them, which offers a unique experience (Pine & Gilmore, 1999). A combination of clothing and home-land creates a story. In this way they inspire the customer to make a creative and playful combination in his or her purchases. After a certain period of time, the combinations are adapted to a new theme that is told in the shop window and further reflected in products and their presentation. This continues to surprise the customers and always offers a new experience (Schmitt, 1999). You take this unique experience home with you through, among other things, the quotes, specially made for Sissy-Boy, which are printed on the bags.
GREEN POLICY - Throughout the shop there are plants that are sold as well as having an aesthetic function. They create a homely and cosy atmosphere (Bringslimark, Hartig, & Patil, 2009) that Sissy-Boy really wants to use. The plants are not only for decoration, but also bring tranquillity to the sometimes unwanted bustle (Brengman, Willems, & Joye, 2012).
CREATIVE FURNITURE - We have opted for sober made-to-measure furniture so that the focus is entirely on the products. This made-to-measure furniture is adapted to the department. For women and children, for example, we opted for white lacquered tubular racks attached to the ceiling to present clothing. Whereas men have deliberately opted for a tougher look. Homeland is presented on wooden furniture, because wood is associated with a warm, homely and natural material (Rice, Kozak, Meitner, & Cohen, 2006; Nyrud & bringslimark, 2010) which perfectly matches the homeliness that Sissy-Boy wants to radiate.
As an eye-catcher to present jewellery, a dark brown vintage piece of furniture has been chosen which immediately catches the eye between the other sleek shapes and soft colours.
TACTILE SENSE - Both the homeland products and the clothing can always be fitted and/or touched, which lowers the consumer's threshold. It also increases confidence in Sissy-Boy and the quality of the products they sell (Jansson-Boyd, 2011; Grohmann, Spangenberg, & Sprott, 2007; Lund, 2015; Peck & Childers, 2003).
MATERIALS -In the interior, we work mainly with sober materials, colours and complemented with wood accents and soft textures, which generates positive feelings among consumers as with hard, cold materials (Wastiels, Schifferstein, Heylighen, & Wouters, 2012). The use of real wood will accentuate the homely atmosphere, as this material is evaluated as warmer and cozier than a wood look (Jimenéz et al., 2016).
SERVICE - Customer focus is one of Sissy-Boy's hobbyhorses and provides a positive experience for the customer (Hwang & Chi, 2015). When entering, the client is warmly welcomed with a personal touch from the staff. Without being intrusive, you still have the feeling that the staff is always there for you if you have a question or just have too much in your hands, etc. Due to the knowledge of the products, the helpfulness and cordiality of the employees, the customer will have a positive experience when visiting Sissy-Boy (Kulkarni, 2013).